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EL Education

EL Education Mission

EL Education's mission aims to create equitable classrooms where teachers can fulfill their highest aspirations, and students achieve more than they think possible, becoming active contributors to building a better world.

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EL Education Network School

Stevens Elementary is part of a national network of EL Education schools. Working closely with our EL Education partners, Stevens makes sure scholars have the opportunity to become caring leaders of tomorrow.

In our work with EL Education, Stevens supports a whole school model. We don’t just teach EL: we are EL. We are crew. Stevens educates the whole child using the three dimensions of student achievement.

EL Three Dimensions

We Are Crew 

Creating Relationships and Educational Well-being (CREW) is both a structure and a culture in EL Education schools. CREW is not only a time of day for us at Stevens but also the belief that we all are part of the work that we do here each day. Everyone plays a vital role in moving our boat in the right direction. 

Our crew gets to know each other by name, strength and need to build an authentic community at school so all students thrive socially, emotionally and academically and can make meaningful contributions to create a better world.

We are Crew, Not Passengers

EL ELA Curriculum 

Explore the EL Education English Language Arts (ELA) EL research-backed curriculum by grade level. Watch the introductory video.